I have friends from all around the world and I've been lucky enough to get some boxes and letters from some of them. I think I should do a post about it to thank them hahaha
Actually most of them are from Asia. Look at all the things I received!
Those were from a thailand friend, korean friend and japanese friend!! [Btw the food was delicious. I want moooore]
The next one is the newest one
Kind of cute, isn't it?
There were tooooo many letters, because my friend wrote them telling me about the day in many different days hahaha
In one of them there was a four-leaf clover! And I spent quite a time reading all those letters...
But it was funny! And I'm so thankful for those amazing gifts and letters.
I'm still preparing to give them something back but... so hard haha
I hope they don't mind *sobs*
Do you have any interesting gift from a far away friend?
Do you have any idea of what I could send them? haha
Someone really wanted me to make a post about dancing. (Actually, a few people)
I reeeaally like dancing. I'm not very good at it but I like it anyway.
Some years ago, I had some friends and my sister and everything was about K-pop. K-pop is surrounding me since... I don't remember. I can't even escape from it, seriously.
I can't complain because I like it, it's okay. I like almost all kinds of music, what can I do about it? haha
So! The opportunity came some years ago. Since then, I'm in a dance cover group? (Even if it isn't the same from the start. Too many changes and problems, yup)
We like to dance to everything but for now we just did some covers here and there.
I'll talk about one day in special. Because we had so many problems that I think it would be funny to have it written.
We went to a... convention?, like comic, manga, anime and stuff. I'm in Spain so they sometimes do those and there are contests or exhibitions?? It was in Granada. We had to go all the way with all of us (we were about... 7 for the dance we were doing there) and clothes and... a chair.
Yes, we were going with a chair. It was funny how people were looking at us with strange faces while we were carrying a chair.
The thing is we arrived late. We were supposed to dance to two songs, but because of our good timing we ended up doing only one, only for the contest.
We did... okay? It wasn't our best, but we worked really hard on the clothes and material and everything. I have to say that I wish I did better. I always think that...haha
Finally... we didn't win anything. One of us had to stay in the city working on there and had lots of problems... and caught a virus, so lucky lol.
Another one took my phone and disappeared all day and my phone was gone until the last minute!
I felt ill suddenly in the middle of the day, and while we were going back we had to stop the car because of me... (sorry...)
And the one driving the car fell asleep while driving alone to his house, almost had a bad accident because of that
As you can see, we had kind of... not so good luck in there. It was our gray day lol
This year we couldn't even go there... I think the city hates us. Whatever we did to it... hahaha
Aaaand finally after aaaaaaall the looooong text I'll put the video of our performance in there. (So you can watch it if you want) Enjoy it and... this is me:
That thing is me, bahahaha. Beautiful, I know. The elf with blue hair (the ears.. you know.. yep)
So now, sit back, put out your popcorn and watch us dance!
Sorry for the long post, thank you
And see you next time!