Thursday 25 August 2016

South Korea 2016 (Part 1)

I will explain a little bit here.
I went to South Korea with a friend this summer and I tried to record as much as I could. Sadly there aren't much pictures, but you can see things clearly on the video, right?

Our flight was loooong and long and long, definitely long. But it is an obvious thing. Luckily we had that screen where you can see the camera that shows the view. I wish we would've had a window next to us but we were trapped in the middle (like really trapped, we were hoping most of the time that the people next to us would go to the bathroom and take that moment to break free for a second and go there, too). So I tried to record some videos of the screen camera, but they were shaky shaky. Hope you don't mind about my lovely pulse when recording too.

Finally, we arrived and went to our place with our not-so-very-good amazing guide. Shoutout to him. (I'm joking, don't hate me haha)
I really appreciate that he came to save us from the troubles of arriving to a "new place"
I have a short video of the place we were staying in. If you want me to show, explain and tell about our experience there tell me in the comments! Also any question you have is welcome.

In the next days we visited (and you will see it in that order on the video) Han river (with Namsan Tower from afar) and Banpo bridge (famous rainbow fountain! but you can't see well the colours on the video... I should have taken it from another angle!), Gwanghwamun, the palace and a little bit of the surroundings, and, to finish it, a little bit of the Ssamziegil (쌈지길) mall at Insadong. It is pretty interesting to see!

Monday 22 August 2016

Baseball in Korea

As one of the most popular sports in Korea, baseball is quite entertaining to watch.
The cheering is amazing and you can't find a single moment to be bored!
Also, for those hungry, the country well known for its delivery (at least I think it is amazing). Delivery to any place you can imagine, probably, haha. So there are people giving delivery food fliers around there and other people constantly receiving their delivery.
Good time spent with good people! Something to experience, indeed.