Tuesday 22 November 2016

Sugar and bears

Do you remember that gummy bear song? Yes, that old one...

Now you remember.
And you will have it on your mind all day. Mwahahaha
No, okay. Don't get me wrong, it came to my mind since I had to do something with gummy bears for school...

Damn bears wouldn't stand straight for more than a second...

I actually came here because I have you all abandoned... (with you all I mean that guy that always reads me *high five* and no other person it seems...)
I'm sorry but I have been with other things in mind these days and... I wanted to update a little bit!
So how are you "all" doing lately?
I'm writing while I eat some gummy bears... DON'T WORRY! They are not suffering at all. I'm making sure.

Christmas is coming soon...
What about christmas theme again?!
Would you be able to do a better design than my poorly editing skills can? Contact me if you are bored enough to take on the challenge!

That's all for now, folks
Oh, I'm a gummy bear, yeah I'm a gummy bear...♪


  1. XD, there are songs more catchy that destroy the mind and in time you will be improving in edition, I did not learn in a day. XD

    1. I know, I know. Just trying to get some people to show their skills and have their moment. Shh, they have to come... (JAJA)
